
Can I Start Solid Foods Before My Baby is 6 Months?

  • Why waiting until 6 months of age to start solid foods not only makes sense from a nutrition standpoint, but is also a safe thing to do to prevent choking risk
  • Getting pressured to start early? Why early introduction of solids doesn't help big babies, doesn't help small babies and won't help your baby sleep through the night
  • The rare, unique medical situations where early introduction of solids before 6 months may be indicated...but why this does not apply to most babies


Is there ever a time when babies should start solid food prior to 6 months of age. Yes, one. In this episode we’re looking at all of the reasons parents feel pressure to start solid foods early and covering what can happen if you do…plus a closer look into the one category of babies who might benefit from starting peanut prior to 6 months of age. For the rest of the foods: it’s always safer - and more fun - to feed a baby who is really ready to start solid foods!

SUMMARY of episode

In this episode, I’m covering:

  • Why waiting until 6 months of age to start solid foods not only makes sense from a nutrition standpoint, but is also a safe thing to do to prevent choking risk

  • Getting pressured to start early? Why early introduction of solids doesn’t help big babies, doesn’t help small babies and won’t help your baby sleep through the night

  • The rare, unique medical situations where early introduction of solids before 6 months may be indicated...but why this does not apply to most babies

LINKS from episode

TRANSCRIPT of episode