
Setting Your Baby's Sleep Schedule when Starting Solids with @babysleepdr Aubrie DeBear, PsyD

  • Why it's ideal to wait until your baby is closer to 6 months to start a sleep training program (...and how that overlaps with the exact time when you're starting solid foods too!)
  • How the concept of “sleeping through the night” is a misconception. We as adults don't even sleep through the night...but when your baby does wake up, how you can help baby independently fall BACK to sleep so they don't need you to make this happen!


Should your baby be sleeping through the night before you start solid foods? And how does baby’s sleep schedule adjust when you begin feeding real food? Sleep is SO important for babies (...and by extension, their parents!) but what comes first: setting your baby’s sleep schedule or starting the transition to solid foods?

In this episode I’m joined by Aubrie DeBear from @babysleepdr. Aubrie is a sleep consultant with a doctorate in psychology and she’s answering all of your questions about setting your baby’s sleep schedule when making the transition to solid foods. There are so many myths about babies sleeping and starting solids and Aubrie is going to help put them to rest!

If you’ve ever wondered about how long to wait after feeding your baby before putting your baby to bed or what types of foods to avoid later in the day (or does it really matter), Aubrie is the sleep consultant you need in your life!


SUMMARY of episode

In this episode I’m joined by Aubrie DeBear, PsyD sleep consultant. Aubrie works with families and babies and children to help the whole family sleep well. She’s a firm believer that you’re not your best self if you AND your baby aren’t getting good sleep.

In this episode we’re covering:

  • Why it’s ideal to wait until your baby is closer to 6 months to start a sleep training program (...and how that overlaps with the exact time when you’re starting solid foods too!)

  • How the concept of “sleeping through the night” is a misconception. We as adults don’t even sleep through the night...but when your baby does wake up, how you can help baby independently fall BACK to sleep so they don’t need you to make this happen!

LINKS from episode

TRANSCRIPT of episode


  • SUBSCRIBE to the Baby-Led Weaning Made Easy Podcast here - new episodes are released on Monday and Thursday and subscribing means you’ll never miss what’s new (+ you’ll get notified about special bonus episodes too!)

  • FOLLOW Katie’s baby-led weaning Instagram page @babyledweanteam for daily video trainings - lots of great info on interpreting your baby’s feeding behaviors here too!

  • SIGN UP for Katie’s free online workshop “BABY-LED WEANING FOR BEGINNERS: How to get your baby to try 100 foods before turning 1 without you having to spoon-feed purees or buy pouches” - everyone on the free workshop gets a copy of the 100 FIRST FOODS LIST so you can focus on trying new foods that your baby CAN and WANTS to self-feed (...and what they can drink too!) Sign up for this week’s workshop times here.